Ahoy! This be The Mighty Piñata’s page.
Here u find everything TMP!
Figurehead: Collector’s Paradise Garden
Hull: Paradise Garden
Sails: Collector’s Paradise Garden
Helm: Paradise Garden
Cannon: Paradise Garden
Capstan: Paradise Garden
In the Wilds, everything is more dangerous, especially rainbows.
Commanded by
Crew of The Mighty Piñata
The Mighty Piñata latest Crew Recordings
WeakDexx playing Sea of Thieves on Xbox One
WeakDexx playing Sea of Thieves on Xbox One
WeakDexx playing Sea of Thieves on Xbox One
Holiday Special
PoopDolphin5000 as Santa.
WeakDexx as The Glowstick Elf.
It started with Santa collecting a gift to give it away. The gift kept giving!