The Mighty Piñata 911

Operator CatchingRock: :TMP: TMP 911 how can I help you?

Cyclopropyl: Hello?…Hello?… :telephone: Can you hear me? This is Cyclo I have an emergency.

Operator: What is your emergency sir?

Cyclo: I had a :shipBrigantine1: Brigantine tried to sink me. Now they are starting :damnedkey1: the Fort of the Damned.

Operator: Please remain calm sir and stay on the line we are sending somebody over. But in the meantime, I need you to search for a rowboat and a couple of kegs :keg::keg::keg: .

Cyclo: Will do… I never stole a :damnedkey1: Fort of the Damned before.

Operator: Don’t worry sir, we are sending one of our best Mother Tuckers. His call sign is Warrior Poet.

Operator: Warrior Poet, how did the operation go?

WeakDexx:wheel1:: We are able to get credit for :damnedkey1: the Fort of the Damned and sink the :shipBrigantine1: Brigantine. We’re able to load the loot onto the ship but three more sloops pounced on us.

Operator: Were you able to to retrieve the Athena’s chest?

Dex: Situation still pending…..

F**** you, Bitches!!

Operator: What did you just call me?

Dex: Sorry… I wasn’t talking to you. We just fought off multiple borders.

Operator: Is the situation under control?

Dex: Situation’s under control. :TMP:

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